A superb 1908 exhibition bow
. This is a sensational example of Sartory’s most inspired work. The fittings are beautiful replica ones by the great british bow maker Michael Taylor, exact to the smallest detail.
This bow is mounted in first class replica fittings, identical to the original fittings.
A superb bow of its type, Sartory 1908.
The damage was caused when the last owners son decided to emulate his father by getting a bow out of the open violin case that was on the kitchen table. He undid the clasp near the heel of the bow and pulled the bow towards himself (he was only four years old at the time). Unfortunately the head was still behind the retaining area near the head and the inevitable occurred. There is an insert of new pernambuco then a join to keep the original head, a complex but utterly secure repair.
Exhibition Sartory 1908.
Sartory in 1908
Vartan Manoogian was for many years the leader of the Swiss Romande Orchestra before moving to the U.S.A. to become a revered teacher at one of the most prestigious universities.
During these years this bow was his preferred bow to use on his beautiful J.B. Guadagnini. Many in America particularly enjoy his wonderful recordings of the complete Bach sonatas and partitas on this bow.
Exhibition bows by Sartory are highly sought after, indeed a recent sale of a 1908 exhibition 'cello bow exceeded £50,000.
In violin bows Tags Sartory, Vartan Manoogian